servus christi

The Death Of Discernment - Justin Peters, Phil Johnson, Wretched, BTWN, Fighting For The Faith...

Justin Peters Condemns John MacArthur, Ray Comfort & Ken Ham

The Pretrib Rapture Deception: A False Hope

This Prophecy Should Terrify Everyone

Servus Christi Hides Secret Marriage and Divorce, Attacks Critics

Apostasy Report - The Corrupt Christian Music Industry

John MacArthur's Millionaire Lifestyle Exposed

Is It In The Bible? - The Pastor Deception

The False 'Church System' Deception

Living Completely For God - A Resolution For a Lifetime

Examining 'Christian' Youtuber Servus Christi | Paul Washer

Examining 'Christian' Youtuber Servus Christi | Paul Washer

The 3 Unpardonable 'Sins' of Servus Christi

Being A Conservative Does NOT Make You A Christian

(WOW) Examining 'Christian' Youtuber Servus Christi | Paul Washer | Biblical Wisdom

Jack Hibbs & John MacArthur Join False Teachers

Stop Calling Yourself 'Pastor'

The Catholic Church: Masterpiece Of Deception

(WOW) Examining 'Christian' Youtuber Servus Christi | Paul Washer | Biblical Wisdom

Why I Follow Christ

Apostasy Report - Doreen Virtue Is Still Deceived

“Servus Christi” #39 @ServusChristi

(Pt 3) Jacob Prasch, Servus Christi Moriel Exposed - Sordid Gain

What to make of Doreen Virtue? Comparisons to kanye West (Justin Peters vs Servus Christi)